Our Strength Is in the Resurrection of Christ

Our strength is in the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Christian day to day life needs to be lived as on Easter Sunday: Day of joy, jubilation and victory! This is the hope that should be in the heart of the Christian fighter: The hope of the Resurrection!

Jesus after resurrecting, appears to the apostles. They that until now were sad, beaten and fearful for having seen His death –, are taken by the joy of the Resurrection of the Lord.

Easter is the resurrection of a new time. It is new life in Christ. The church celebrates the victory of Jesus over death and invites us to assume this new life.

The joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to be full of Him in order that this virtue fill our whole life.

Happy Easter!

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portugese