The Force of the Demonic Is and Always Will Be Limited by God!

The one who is responding to this question is Father José Fortea. He is a priest with the Ministry of Exorcism in his diocese in Mari, Spain! Also he is responsible for accompanying two of the most grave cases of diabolic possession in Spain.

“The power of the demonic over us depends only on the permission of God and our weakness. God can permit that someone is not tempted, or that someone is not tempted beyond his strength. On the other side, the weaker a person is, the more power and influence temptation has over him.

“But these clarifications should leave clear that the hour of the day, the date and the place are indifferent! These constitute only the environment of temptation, without their influence on anything.

“Although, it may be true that one sins more at night, already because of being more tired and for not having a mind occupied with our work.

“Also available free time, helps us to either more good or more bad, we can dedicate ourselves to prayer, to the works of charity, etc. …or we can dedicate ourselves to luxury, family feuds, the game, drinking, etc…

“This plan may appear simplistic, but experience shows us that often the simplest plans work!”

Danilo Gesualdo

Translated from Portuguese