We Need to Value The Brother or Sister

In these days, playing volleyball with my brothers of the community, an interesting thing happened. we had fun, but I learned a lesson:

“Upon separating the teams, we resolved to remove one brother from our team, judging him to be weak and not serving us, we sent him to the other team. Doing this diminished and devalued the brother. What happened was that the  brother was welcomed and valued on the other time, he played well and won the match against our team.”

Simple things, but that speak to the heart. For we cannot diminish and discard our brother or sister, this the world does with all of us. What’s more, although the brother or sister may be limited in some things, we should value in order that he may be able to bring forward his better skills. When we welcome, we value and motivate the brother or sister, we discover the great potential that exists inside that person. It was this that happened in the simple game of volleyball, that brought a lesson for  my life.

We need to value our brother and sister,

Strong hug!

Ademir Costa