There Is a Miracle Happening Now

The actual times bring an overwhelming truth: despite all techno-scientific advances our post modern generation still believes, needs and hopes for miracles. When a doctor says that he already did all that is possible for a terminal patient and that now it is necessary for something to happen, this means that he is waiting for what we call a ‘miracle’. A Miracle is an intervention outside of what is common, that changes a negative situation or something marvelous prodigious. For many people, today, it does not matter who does the miracle. The important thing is to be lucky enough for something to happen through this extraordinary grace. This is the ‘commercial’ vision of the supernatural. There are persons that falsify miracles and or attribute them to themselves, the occult powers or even to someone whom they call Jesus.

In the times of Jesus Christ, various of His acts marked out our conceptual understanding of the miracle: resurrecting the dead, returning sight to the blind (from birth even), bringing mobility to the lame, returning speech to the mute and hearing to the deaf, beyond walking on water, calming the storms of nature and returning to life after three days in the tomb, among others. The Gospel brings the episode in which Jesus remains ‘upset’ with a population that does not convert even despite the miraculous signs realized among them.

It is certain that the Lord does not do all the miracles at the same place, but those that He does will be sufficient to change the heart of those people. As this did not happen, Jesus said that they would have a sad end: “Because if these had been done in Tyre and Sidon the miracles that were done in your midst, long ago they would have repented in sackcloth and ashes. (…) Is Sodom had seen the miracles that were done inside of your walls, it would exist even to today. Therefore I say to you, on the day of judgement, it will be less rigorours for Sodom than for you!” (Cf Mt: 11:21-23ff)

Perhaps you never had been the target of some miracle. Or who knows you never had the opportunity to witness some. We know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and always (cf. Hebrew 13:8). He continues doing miracles and it is not sin to hope or ask for one. But the fact is that many miracles still happen today, some then happen exactly now as you read this text.

I would like to ask if you already stopped to think of the daily miracles that we experience. A little knowledge and you  will perceive that we are surrounded  by extraordinary miracles that perhaps pass unperceived. For us Catholic it is extraordinary to thing that a simple man and sinner, infused with the strength of the supernatural Grace of priesthood, pronounces the words that Jesus pronounced and a piece of bread and a little wine is transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ himself…

But if for you this is complicated, think of this, analyze for example, the fact that miracles of the macrocosm: Our planet is so well position in its distance with relation to the sun that of it were to be in another position it would burn up from heat or freeze from cold. The situation does not stop within the microcosm either: Water that we have here is so well ‘made’ that the molecular measurements of Hydrogen and Oxygen are perfect for our survival! One atom more or less would be enough for us to lose the essential condition for survival. The quantity that circulates in our veins is exactly what our body needs to survive. Stir up this balance and life would extinguish before  our eyes.

Look around you and recognize so many other miracles: on the planet with more than 6 billion inhabitants, the person that are around us are unique and unduplicated. If you with ungrateful people I am sorry. But if you have persons loved and worthy of all the love at your side, if you know or know person to whom you have the priviledge of calling friends, this also is a miracle. No one could substitute the place of these people. It is a miracle that among billions of persons in the world, you have found yourself with those that are at your side: your spouse, your children. Yes, if there were another person probably you would love them too, but with certainty, not in the way that you love those there. The son, that rose this morning, would not have risen. The moon that illuminates the night could possibly not shine. Stop to think! You are surrounded by miracles and have some happening now close to you! Who does all this? The public power? The scientific advances? Some  Millionaire? Luck?

God is closer than you can imagine. And when the Almightly draws near miracles happen. Today the Lord is helping you “see” things that were always around you, but that perhaps you have not been able to continue to detect them. Feel yourself eveloped by miracles. Allow yourself to be convinced by the power of God the Father. Consider yourself a happy person through the sovereign power of the Lord. Make the decision to start from this certainty. Assume anew that our behavior is guided by this marvel. It falls to you to choose on which side you will be: among those that render themselves to the Lordship of Jesus or among those that even after so many miracles still resist and revolt. (cf Mt 11:21-23f) Reflect a little on this!

Father Delton Filho

Fr. Delton Filho, is a friend of the Canção Nova. He is a pastor of several parishes in Brazil, a broadcaster and a recording artist.

translated from Portuguese