Tell Me What You Are Listening to and I will Tell You Who You Are!

Especial do dia do amigo na WebTVCNYou already stopped to analyze the playlist of latest songs most played? My brother what is that?! All is well, we are young, we are moved by music, but we are not obliglated to listen to whatever thing just because it is fashion. So thinking that are our ears are what?

Music has an absurd strength! The sounds, the rhythm, the messages, adding all charge of sensilbility, the penetrate and touch our subconcious. We are not ingenuous! All music affects our life, simple as it is

It appears that music is incarnate in us. “You say what you listen to and I tell you who you are!” What we listen to is directly tied to what we seek. Therefore, we cannot live a new life in God and continue to listen to music inconsisten to what we believe. A nuew life makes us sing a new song. If “the mouth speaks of what fills the heart” (cf Mt 12:34) we would be able to say as well: a good song is in the heart!

But how do we choose the music to listen to? We need to be active before the songs and not only go along listening to whatever thing. What you listen to cannot go against what you believe, what you seek. If you fight to be chaste, how can you go singing” “Oh I Caught You!”? With shame.  We need to ask ourselves, “In the final account, what you are seeking with this music? With what am I trying to fill myself? What am I trying to hide?”

Nós fomos criados para o céu. E no céu vai ter música, muita música! “Estavam diante do trono (…) e cantavam um cântico novo” (cf. Ap 14,3). Só poderemos cantar um cântico novo, se vivemos uma vida nova. Monsenhor Jonas há muito tempo nos ensina: “Somos feitos para cantar a glória de Deus. Precisamos ensaiar desde agora. Logo, logo, o Maestro virá e não tardará!”.

We were created for Heaven. And in heaven there is going to be a lot of music. “They were before the throne . . . and singing a new song” (cf. Rev. 14:3) Only we will be able to sing a new song, if we life a new life. Monsignor Jonas many times has times teaches us: “We were made to sing the Glory of God. We need to rehearse from now on. Later, later, the Teacher will come and he will not delay.

God bless you,
your brother
Renan Félix
Twitter: @renancn