Cardinal Policarpo: Difficult Times Call for the Language of Hope

Lisbon–The Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon considers that Catholics present in the diverse organs of social communication have the responsibility of growing, in these “difficult” times, in helping people to read the reality to the light of  the hope that springs from the Gospel.

For Bishop José Policarpo, the “testimony” of faith can bring “women and men” to face actual problems “not only with immediate data of the economy or sociology” but over all with the vigor contained in the “message of  Jesus”.

Communicating means, before all, “announcing that in which we believe”, reminded the prelate, and the “great question” today, in the way of “strength” that moves the media,  fed through technology, is to perceive if “all one says and writes” results really from “a testimony” or if “they are only words”.

“That which touches the heart of persons is not words, but also that which burden of life that brings, but that power of life that they lead and that comes from the heart of whomever speaks them.” underlined the Cardinal Patriarch, stressing that in the case of the media that belongs to the Church, the announcement of new life of Christ to men is an “obligation”.

Cardinal José Policarpo sent this challenge to Christian journalists last Sunday during a Eucharistic celebration in parish of Benedita in the Diocese of Lisbon, on the occasion of the celebration of the 46th World Day of Social Communication.

The Cardinal Patriarch noted also the 80 years of the journal “Voz da Verdade” [Voice of Truth] that came out for the first time on January 10, 1932.

After remembering all those that contributed to the publication weekly Sunday publication of the Patriarchy of Lisbon, the prelate asked the professionals of communcation to allow themselves to always be guided by values of “sincerity” and “veracity”.

Canção Nova News. Portugal

translated from Portuguese