Pouring Out of the Blessings of the Immense God

From Easter Sunday the Casa de Maria [House of Mary] in Queluz [pronounced Kay-Looze] and all Canção Nova lived a time of grace. There were 50 days of adoration before the Immense God.

Surrounding these 1200 hours of intercession and praise of God, this past Monday, 28, there was a night of prayer to conclude this time.

Missa encerramento Deus Imenso[ + more Photos on fb.com/CNQueluz ]

The event was transmitted by internet happened with 4 hours of duration between the holy hour, procession, solemn blessing of the Blessed Sacrament and the crowning with the Holy Mass presided by Father Aluisio Ricardo. In this homily the priest stressed that: “If our dialogs with the Lord were over eternity, all will be answered.

More than 700 people attended via internet  and close to 300 were lead, by the iniative of God himself to participate in this event. There ws the case of the young person Mauricéia Anunciada [dressed in rose in the photo to the left] “I felt lovingly invited by God himself to be surrounded in this strong time of adoration. From Easter, I felt tempted to come participate in this adoration but I could  not, therefore, I believed  that all would happen according to Divine Providence. Now I understand that it was God himself who wanted me here. The initiative was His. A phrase struck  me in the Homily: In adoration is the look of God that returns to thus.’ Therefore, I made the experience of allowing myself to be seen by the Immense God …”

Now is the time to assume the grace of the Immense God that is constantly over His people.

translated from Portuguese