The Family That Prays and Goes to Mass Together is Strengthened

Nicole Melhado
Canção Nova News
edited with the official site of the 7th World Meeting of Families

“The family that prays together is together,” is what Cardinal Sean O’Mally, Archbishop of Boston stressed Friday Morning, June 1st on the third day of the 7th World Meeting of the Families, that took place in the city of Milan, Italy. The American Cardinal spoke on Sunday as the time of being with the family and the importance of going to Mass in the day.

“I recommend that they participate in the Sunday Mass and pray together. This strengthens your family and helps them to confront many challenges of our time that frequently tears,” he emphasized. ”

.: PHOTOS of the event on Flickr

Cardinal O’Malley remembered still that the Mass is the central prayer of Catholicism, found and apex of Christian life. “When we participate in Mass with them, we teach our children and grand children one of the most important lessons,” he reinforced.

During the Sacrament of Baptism, the parents are reminded that they are the first and best teachers of the children in faith. For the Archbishop of Boston, the faith is the living heritage for the children and grandchildren. The children always see their parents and grand-parents and imitate them in this way they are formed. Those that observe their parents and other adults receiving the Eucharist with reverence, perceive more easily that the Eucharist is really the Body and Blood of Christ and the example of the parents is an essential part in the preparation to receive First Communion.

The Eucharist is not only something symbolic. Jesus said ‘I am the bread the descends from Heaven; whomever eats this bread will live forever; whomever eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life and remain in me and I in him,” stressed the Cardinal.
Each Sunday, stressed Cardinal O’Malley, is a “small Easter”, because it reaffirms the resurrection of Jesus, His victory over death.

“Jesus não prometeu que Seus caminhos seriam fáceis, mas prometeu que teriam logo a graça necessária para viver a vossa vocação. Recomendo a vocês, pais e mães de jovens famílias, imitem Josué e o povo de Israel. Quando perguntaram se eles serviriam ao Senhor ou aos deuses pagãos eles responderam: ‘eu e minha casa servimos ao Senhor”, concluiu Dom O’Malley.

“Jesus did not promise that His ways would be easy, but promised that they would soon have the grace necessary to live their vocation. I remcommend to you fathers and mothers of young families, imitate Joshua and the people of Israel. When they asked if they would serve the Lord or the pagan gods, they responded: ‘Me and my house will service the Lord,” concluded Cardinal O’Malley.

Translated from Portuguese