Unite Yourself to the Holy Trinity

The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity invites us to dive into the immense mystery of the intimate life of God and to praise the greatness of His love. Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!

God reveals to us the mystery of His life when He sends to us His Son to Earth. The Son – after completing the word of redemption – sends to us the Holy Spirit

The Church – founded by God to the image of the Most Holy Trinity – is also a mystery of community in unity, to which never can renounce.

Jesus communicates Himself not with terrors and power, but with words directed to His disciples, from brother to brother, from friend to friend. They are words of life that seduce and conquer.

The disciples are sent to make, themselves, new disciples among  the nations. There is not a particular election; all are called to follow Jesus, in the observance of His word and in accession to the will of the father. Now they are sent to baptize in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus affirms: “All authority was given to me in Heaven and on Earth,” it becomes quite clear that He is not only the Son of God, as some people believe, but He is God Himself descended from Heaven, consubstantial with the Father,this is of the same nature as He, with the same powers of the Lord. Whomever sees Him, sees the Father. He is repeating the discourse that was made, before, through the evangelist John: “I and the Father are one!

Upon sending out His disciples: “Go, therefore, and teach all the nations; baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”, Jesus is confirming to us that God is one and three, for He is composed of three distinct person, but although we cannot understand this with our reason, nor with our intelligence, but we can with the eyes of faith.

It is not invented by popes and bishops, but as a reality announced by God Himself in the person of His beloved Son. The Most Holy Trinity, thus as the existence of the invisible soul, is a great challenge for our faith, for such truths announced by Jesus only can be detected by the eyes of our faith.

When Jesus guarantees to us: “Know that I am with you all days to the end of the world,” it is to give us confidence, to have the courage and the unshakeable decision of  continuing our work of the multiplication of Christians, of Catechists, of priest, through our missionary work, without jealousy among brothers. This for which we are not competitors one of others, but multipliers of many other Christians, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

See that the disciples are sent in a way that they themselves go to make new disciples among all the nations. There is not a particular election, nor an obligation to accept. Also there is no process of selction, because all without distinction are called to follow Jesus by hearing His Word and putting it into practice. The mission of Christ begins with His baptism in the Jordan River.

In the Gospel, Jesus sends us as disciples to evangelize and to baptize in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Do not offer resistance to His voice. Respond ‘yes’ to His call and unite yourself to the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Father Bantu Mendonça

Fr. Bantu Mendonça Katchipwi Sayla is a priest for the Diocese of Tubarão, Angola

translated  from Portuguese