Our Fight Is Not Against Human Forces

The time urges! It is necessary to collaborate in the salvation of each one of us. I would be lying if I were to say that will is well, that you can leave things as they are because there is still more time. The time is short: therefore: our principle attitude should be that of intercessors. Our fight is not against human forces, but against the enemy of God.

How many husbands are being attacked violently in their sexuality. How many men that work in the work of the Lord, that will receive the grace of the “effusion of the Spirit”, use the gifts of God, excercise some ministry, work pastorally, seek God, but the temptation surrounds their mind, heart and feelings. The flesh feels the violent fight.

The evil temptation brings us to infidelity, to adultery, to prostitution, to all types of deprivation. He does this not only with men, but also with women, including in the thoughts such as : “I have the right to be happy. I already suffered too much. I have only been exploited and they never loved me. I have the right to be loved and to love.” You possess this right, but not as the world and the soap operas have taught.

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese