Canção Nova Missionary Speaks to Americans

Massachusetts–Adriano Gonçalves, a missionary for Canção Nova is currently touring the Massachusetts area speaking to Catholics  about celebrating our Catholic faith. With a mission to teach people about the New Evangelization, Adriano, is teaching people about our call to be Catholics through living our faith.

He began his tour in Hyannis, Saturday, where he spoke to Brazilian Catholics in a session that lasted until after midnight and ending with a mass at St. Francis Xavier Parish in that city.

Adriano continued with a talk to American Catholics Tuesday at Holy Family Parish in Amesbury, where he talked about the need to be happy in our faith. He also spoke about Blessed Pior Giorgio a young Italian man who used sports to evangelize and who died on July 4th 1925 from poliomyelitis. Adriano also invited everyone to World Youth Day in Rio De Janeiro in July of 2013. He spoke through a translator.

His next stop was to the English speaking community at St. Francis in Hyannis, where he focused on the importance of evangelization through the way we life our life. Demonstrating the difference between the happy and the sad Catholic he showed how we have a calling to be people of love and joy in our service to God.

Adriano will be speaking to Brazilian Catholics at St. Anthony in Allston, MA then Hispanic Catholics at St. Benedict in Somerville on Friday night. He will be speaking again at St. Benedict to English speaking Catholics from 12:00-4:00 with a meet and greet at 10:00 am.

Adriano, 28, who is the host of a program Revolução Jesus, [Revolution Jesus] on Canção Nova TV focuses his ministry on young adults and teaching them of the power of the faith. He also focuses on Blessed John Paul II’s teaching of the Theology of the Body. He is a member of the Canção Nova Community of Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil which has mission houses throughout the world including in the United States. The charism of the community is evangelization through the electronic media and through life retreats. It runs a major television network, radio networks, internet portals and blogs. This blog is hosted by Canção Nova.

Adriano will also be meeting with members of the Massachusetts Citizens for Life discussing issues about the struggle against Abortion. Abortion is currently illegal in Brazil, but there is a movement to legalize it in that country and a strong movement against legalization that is backed by various groups and representatives in Brazilian congress as well as the Catholic Church in Brazil. Brazil is the world’s largest Catholic country.