The Church, Mystery of Communion

The call – and consequently the sending – is a work that cannot be realized in individualism. This call is personal, a response to him too, but the ministry, the service should be understood in a communitarian dimension, for the Church is a mystery of communion.

In order for the apostles to understand this, the Lord sends them on mission, two by two, putting at the center the “community life” in the missionary action. This was the spirit of the Vatican II Council: the mission in the Church-communion. The communion among faithful in their various states and styles of life made with all the Church felt from inside the mission of Jesus.

For Mark, in today’s Gospel the mission of the twelve apostles (and of the Church today) is the same of Jesus. Christ sends us to preach the Gospel to expel demons and to cure all the various forms of sickness.

See that Jesus sends the disciples to continue His work, recommending to them that they should not be worried about provisions for the Father is going to provide their sustenance and shelter, these will come from pious souls. He ordered them not to bring anything for the road, only a staff not bread or a sack, not money, not a belt, only sandals for shoes and they are not to have two tunics.

This here, mine and your responsibility. I want to remind you of one thing more, of the sustenance and of the shelter of the fathers, helping them even with our material goods or money. This is therefore our entire responsibility. Our contribution for the Church is a contribution to God.

When someone volunteers to evangelize beyond the innumerable graces that this person is going to receive, he/she also will be evangelizing oneself. This sanctifies oneself and each day draws closer to God and his project of salvation.

My brother, God  is inviting you to be part of His project of salvation. Do not worry if you do not consider yourself well prepared or worthy of this mission. I guarantee you that from the moment that you accept the His invitation to follow Him the work initiated by Jesus all the details will be provided by Him in the person of those that you are going to guide.

And then what are you waiting for. Which is the first thing to do and how can I do it? Ask these questions not to Jesus. I am certain that you will encounter an immediate response.

Father put me on the road of true piety and charity that is going to bring me in perfect synthesis with the Lord, sharing my good materials with those that need me realizing that in fact it is from His joy.

Father Bantu Mendonça

Fr. Bantu Mendonça Katchipwi Sayla is a priest for the Diocese of Tubarão, Angola
His YouTube Page is: (Portuguese)

translated from Portuguese