Being Alone with God the Father

It is necessary to hear the Lord for through His instruction, we receive the courage that we need to confront situations anew. It is necessary to hear the Lord as Jesus did in the morning, after having passed the afternoon healing the mother-in-law of Peter. When He did this miracle, the people were all at the door of the apostle’s house and the Lord did innumerable miracles on that day. The following morning, He was with the Father listening to Him, to speak with Him.
When the apostles arrived to bring Him again to the house of Peter, because many were waiting for Him here, the Lord said that He was not going to because they were going to another city. Christ did not want success, He wanted only to complete the will of God announcing the Good News. Those that sought Him in that day, could see miracles, the preaching of the Word, the evangelization and the healing realized by Him. The Lord always goes to other places to realize His mission.

We, in the same way, need to complete our mission, but also always to encounter time to be alone with God, Father to adore Him, praise Him, hear Him and bless Him for all and for everyone.

God Bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese