The Glory of God Exists in the Vatican

Of the many themes that I could address for you this afternoon, and after thinking, I arrived to the conclusion of speaking on the significance of Rome, the Pope and the Vatican. I would like to speak on themes more spiritual, but I believe that this theme may be the most fruitful.

More than three years ago, my bishop sent me to do my doctorate in Rome, but I did  not have interest in going there at that time. I already had visited the city several times it is a beautiful place, but I did not want to remain there. Upon entering the Basilica of St. Peter, I found it beautiful and grand, but it did not impress me.
Pe. Antoneo Fortea
Photo: Mariana Lazarin/
I Received an inspiration of God in my heart, and asked myself what would be under the dome of St. Peter. I arrived at the conclusion that what was there was the base of the Church.
In that church is certainly the heart of  the Church. Therefore, when I went to Rome a few months, I entered there in another manner. Because before I admired the beauty of the Church, so, what always came to mind was the esthetic part and in that moment I discovered the marvelous spirituality that exists in that place.
Because all that beauty is something spiritual. Whenever, I observed the Pope in ceremonies and the faith  my mind was under my heart. This was was not only that I believed in the Primacy of Peter, but I loved it more each time. Thus, a spiritual love for St. Peter was born.
In this way, when I say the Roman Congregations around St. Peter I remained really admiring, for there exists something great. Starting now, I see a mysterious dimension, for there what is decided can affect all the Church in various parts of the world
‘God speaks through the apostles and their successors’, says Fr. Antoneo
Foto: Mariana Lazarin/

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I discovered myself loving those diverse Roman Congregations, and before I saw only structures. But the Lord gave me a strength to see what was behind that dimension.

We should make an effort to understand what the Vatican is, for there exists many persons that believe and love the Pope. Many say: The Pope yes and the Vatican no. But they are with the congregations and Monsignors that assist the Holy Father to govern the Church. They are an extension of the Pope, but the Vatican is a work of God.

We know that they are works of the Lord, but it is for the successors of Peter to govern our church. We think that the Vatican is thousands and thousands of people that are working around this place, but in reality, there are very few person that make a part of these movements.

The persons believe that it is a great structure of employees, but there are a few that give their live to propagate the faith. The congregations are necessary inside of the Vatican to help our Church.

Each department of the Vatican has a mission to care for an area of the Church that needs special attention. Above all those offices exists the college of cardinals, that is the council with 120 Cardinals that represent the Espiscopate of the World. They come from diverse countries with their spirituality, their ways of thinking, from rich and poor countries, great theologians, others missionaries and some that arrive there through widespread knowledge of their holiness.

When I see the Pope meeting with the Cardinals it is as if Jesus was meeting with His apostles. No Cardinal represents a specific apostle, but all together they correspond to the disciples. Therefore, the only one that refers to St. Peter is  the Pope.

We cannot compare one ceremony with those realized inside the Basilica of St. Peter. Therefore, I see that those priests that live with simplicity, but I think that when Cardinals need to dress in the best clothing to do the liturgy, however, inside of their house and their community they need to live humbly.

When I see all the grandiosity of the Basilica of St. Peter, nothing can be so sufficiently grand to speak of God. When I end celebrating the Holy Mass, I see all the tourists that arrive to St. Peter’s Square remaining and admiring and I see the comments when they enter the Basilica. I remain observing for there people arrive from everywhere and many are not Catholic.

Every day, there arrive thousands of people, but many people are coming to the mount (Vatican) and from different tongues. This mount that is the Church, has its symbol and its icon  in that Church. In this Church, are joined all those that believe.

God speaks through his apostles and their successors. Those that criticize the Roman Curia do not give account of the significance of this for our Church.

We should maintain ourselves firm in the Word of God, before all that we need to maintain our faith. We should continue faithfully following the teachings of  the laws of God, but we should be understanding in some cases.

Transcription and adaptation: Alessandra Borges


Padre José Antonio Fortea

Sacerdote da Diocese de Madri (Espanha)
