Are You the King of the Jews?

You Are the King of the Jews?

This was Pilate’s question

And what beautiful response did Jesus give to him: “My Kingdom is not of this World.” (John 18:36)

Jesus being God is made man to save us, He died on the Cross and resurrected to guarantee us Eternal Life.

We are citizens in Heaven, on Earth we are pilgrims, we are pilgrims. Have you cultivated the seeds of eternity?

In definitive house is Heaven. In this day we want to invite you to proclaim Jesus as the Lord of your life, of your family.

Pray with us this prayer:

Jesus, I believe in Your Love. Today I renew my giving myself to you. Reign in my heart in my life.

With you I want to be today and for all eternity. Amen!

From the Blog, Pais e Catequistas [Parents and Catechists]

translated from Portuguese