Conquering Temptation

See what the Letter of St. James says to us: “That no one, when tempted, may say: ‘My temptation comes from God. for God cannot cannot tempt one to do bad and He tempts no one. Each is tempted by his own concupiscence, that drags and seduces.” (cf St. James 1:13-14)

Concupiscence is “without shame.” It depends on whether you accept it or not for sin to be concretized. (cf. Mk 7:20-22) It is from the heart of men that intentions that become impure occur. Concupiscence  is seeds of the bad that have strength and want to flourish in us. In the determined moment, it is greed; in another it is envy, still in another it is impurity… and so it goes. St. Paul speak on this clearly. The Word of God declares: nothing is bad, it is the concupiscence itself that drags and seduces. The Devil only utilizes it to detour us. “Once it is conceived, concupiscence brings birth to sin, and sin when it matures brings for death.” (cf St. James 1:15a)

When sin matures it creates roots in us, it remains difficult to free ourselves from it. Only through repentance and through confession can God rip out the roots. But even then, we have to remain attentive, because concupiscence continues inside of us as a seed.

Ceding to concupiscence in makes one weak. But those that are really men and women of God conquer temptation through willing to give the Lord the victory.

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community.

translated from Portuguese