It Is Time to Celebrate the Birth of Our Savior

“The state of infancy that the Son of God assumed, without considering it unworthy of His greatness, was developing itself with an age until arriving to the state of the perfect and , have consumated the triumph of His Passion and Resurrection, all the actions proper to his state of annihilation that he accepted for us had their end and belong to the past. With all the feast of Christmas renews for us the first instants of the sacred life of Jesus, Born of the Virgin Mary, and while we adore the birth of Our Savior, we celebrate also our birth.

“Effectively, the generation of Christ is the origin of the Christian people; Christmas of the head is also Christmas of the body.

“Although each one has been called in the determined moment to make part of the people of the Lord and all, sons of the Church, may be diverse in the succesion of the times, the totality of the faithful comes fro the baptismal font, crucified with Christ in His Passion, resurrected with Christ in His Resurrection and put at the right hand of the Father in His Ascension also was born with Him at Christmas.” (St. Leo the Great)

We ask the Lord the grace of being faithful to Holy Mother Church.

Happy and Holy Christmas Season to all!

Jesus I trust in You,

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese