WYD Committee Presents the Progress of their Work to the Vatican

From Canção Nova News and Vatican Radio

Bishop Antônio Augusto Duarte Auxiliary Bishop of Rio de Janeiro one of those responsible for WYD

The Local Organizing Committee of World Youth Day Rio (WYD) 2013 presided by The Archbishop of Rio De Janeiro, Dom Orani João Tempesta initiated on Tuesday January 8th a visit to the Vatican to present the work completed to the moment in organization WYD.

On the visit, the auxiliary bishop of Rio de Janeiro and one of those responsible for the Day, Dom Antônio Augusto Duarte, stressed that for the meeting, the challenge was to prepare the presentation in writing of the structure of the three important aspects of WYD this year: liturgy, communication and Safety.

“The challenge most immediate is to present, all in writing and of a concrete form, the parts of the central acts, in what is to say respect to liturgy, all parts of communication and also all parts of safety. They are three great challenges that are not only a presentation, but a concretizing,” explained the bishop.

According to him, two points that still remain open are housing and transportation.

Bishop Antonio stressed the support that the Federal Government has given to the organization of WYD, with the release from the entry fee for the visa for foreigners, which greatly facilitated bureaucratic procedures, and the cooperation with the Government of Rio de Janeiro.

translated from Portuguese