Pope Stresses that Faith Should Not Be Limited to the Sphere of Emotions

Jesse Marçal
Canção Nova News
The mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus. This was the central theme of the catechesis of Pope Benedict XVI with the faithful in the Paul VI hall in the Vatican on Wednesday. The Holy Father stressed that the incarnation of God and His way of acting are stimulae in order that men and  women may be able to reflect on their faith that should not be simple emotion, but touch concreteness.

The Holy Father emphasized that the acting of God is not limited to words but immerses Him Himself into human history and assumes upon Himself the weight of the human life.
“This way of God’s acting is a strong stimilus to for us to integrate ourselves over the realism of our faith, that should not be limited to the sphere of feeling and of emotions, but should enter into the concrete of our existence, it should touch, that is, our everyday our life and orient it also in a practical way. God does not stop in words, but indicates to us how to live, shoaring our own experience, except in sin.”

Reflecting on the significance of the world “incarnation”, specifically on the expression “The Word made flesh”, Benedict XVI explains that the salvation brought by God making himself flesh touches man in his concrete reality in all the situations in which he finds himself.

“God assumes the human condition in order to cure it  of all that separates him from [God], in order to permit us to call Him in his Only Begotten Son with the the name “Abba, Father” and to be truly children of God,” he said.

And of the tradition of bringing presents in Christmas, the Pope remembered that it is a gesture normally expressing affection with those closest to us, but the true and great present is Christ Himself, God that assumed the human condition in order to give of Himself His divinity.

Closing his meeting on the faith, Benedict XVI, invited all to meditate on the riches of the Mystery of the Incarnation, “To allow that the Lord illumine us and transform us always more to the image of his Son made man for us.”

translated from portuguese