All Answers Are In Loving

Peter did not say simple: “Lord, do not wash my feet!” But he literally argues with Jesus, for he did not accept that the Teacher would wash his feet. But Jesus did not react violently, nor with authority, but with love and humility. Love is not simply feeling, but love beckons.

Then, Christ spoke of the New Commandment: “Love one another as I love you.” And he gives to us His life through love. The Eucharist is the greatest gesture of love, whenever the disciples fought, Jesus called them to the priesthood of  love. He is always speaking of love and more than love, of loving.

The Lord once showed me this form very concretely. A man indicated to me that he had lost his love for his wife. And I responded that then he should love her. He remained disappointed and surprised, taken aback at my response. I said to him, already the feeling had ended, so he had a greater motive to love her. For loving is a verb and all verbs indicate action: to give, to walk, to sing, to seek indicated action. The feeling is the result of the verb that is active: to love. To love him and her.

You only love when you are disposed and have the will to love. Love for you and the other! Love, love, love… in love are all the answers. Only in love!

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

translated from Portuguese