World Youth Day

World Youth Day (WYD) is a Catholic event that unites millions of youth. The encounter with youth already happened some years ago in the Vatican, but was named WYD in 1985.

It has as one of its principle symbols the Cross that Pope John Paul II gave to the youth. It is known as the World Youth Day Cross.

Already there have been 37 WYD’s, the first being in Rome in 1986, it was the first international encounter, therefore, it was named the first World Youth Day. And from then WYD began to be in various countries. [in 1993 it was in Denver, CO, USA]

This year, 2013, WYD will be in Brazil in the city of Rio de Janeiro with the theme: “Go and make disciples among all nations” (cf Mt 28:19)

“And in the end on the Sabbath it was already dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb. There they found a great earthquake, because an angel of the Lord descended from Heaven, removing the stone from the tomb and sat upon it.

And he appearance was like lightning, and with white vestments like snow. And the guards with fear of him, remained astonished, and like corpses. But the angel responding, said the women: Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.

He is not here, because He already resurrected, as He said. Come see the place where the Lord lay. God, then, immediately, and say to his disciples that He has already risen from the dead. And behold He goes before you to Galilee. There you will see him. “Behold, I have told this to you.”

And leaving hastily from the tomb, with fear and great joy, they ran and announced it to the disciples. And going to give the news to the disciples, behold Jesus went to meet them and greeted them saying: I greet you. And they arriving, embraced his feet and adored Him.

Then Jesus said to them: Do not fear; go tell my brothers that are in Galilee, and there you will see me. And when they went, behold some of the guard, arriving at the city, announced to the leaders of the priests all the things that had happened.

And, meeting with the elders and taking counsel among themselves they gave a lot of money to the soldiers saying: Some of his disciples came during the night and, we were sleeping, they took him.

And if this comes to the ears of the governor, we will persuade him and keep you secure. And they receiving the money, did what they were instructed. and this was divulged among the Jews to this day.  (cf Mt 28)

The eleven disciples left for Galilee, to the mountain that Jesus had designated to them. And when they came and adored him, but some doubted. And arriving there, Jesus spoke to them, saying: All power in Heaven and on Earth has been given me. Go therefore making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

World Youth Day in Brazil will the 38th youth retreat for the whole world, it will happen between the days of July 23-28, where Pope Benedict XVI,  for the first time will step foot on the sand of Copacabana, for the stations of the cross. After the stations of the cross, the Pope will go to the Santa Cruz base, where there will be a vigil and closing mass for millions of youth.

Many youth and even children are already counting the days until they arrive to this great Catholic event. The expectations are great!

Translated from Portuguese