Learn to Confront Your Problems

When we do not tremble and despair before problems, but we confront them, it follows that we find a solution.

The a beautiful adventure it is to seek the road of the solution of a problem. To develop calculations and to arrive to the solution of the problems. All problems have a solution, only that as it is in math, all problems have to be confronted.

The solution of problem is Jesus, but before this truth we cannot cross our arms. Walking with the Lord, we are going to arrive at a solution of all problems. I did well, thanks be to God, in mathematics and I had many good teachers. But I am much more happy to encounter a solution to my problems in Jesus. Canção Nova is only what it is today, because I know to confront problems.

It is this that Jesus is teaching us today. He is the door, not only the Shepherd, but also the door. The Word of God for us, today is an order: COURAGE!

To know to confront problems is truly the secret of happiness.

God bless you!

Monsenhor Jonas Abib
Founder of Canção Nova

translated from Portuguese