In this video, I speak about how the doctrine of the Holy Trinity speaks to us about what we know and don’t know. I also bring in the issue of evolution.
The Catholic Church strongly believes in Faith and Reason and, therefore, a unity of religion and science working together to further understand truth. The Church has also been open to the study of evolution since Pope Pius XII published Humanis Generis in 1950. He added caveats that were essential and prophetically predicted that if those caveats were not heeded then strange philosophies would rise up in our society. As he predicted, this has come to pass. However, the problem therefore is not in evolution, it is divorcing the study of evolution from the faith tradition. It is in this light that this homily is delivered. Because if we do not understand this, we are going to lose many to a false faith divorced from science and an unbridled science that will create great disasters in its separation from the wisdom of faith.