It Is God Who Reigns In Our Lives

Let’s say that there may be a subject on which I may be inquiring of God for a long time. At times it appears that the answer is in that direction and afterwards I see no. And continuing keeping and asking that the Lord may give me an answer. And when he does not give it, I continue my road, conscious that He is my Lord and I am His servant. Many times, we forget that we are servants, of He who is the Lord and we want to resolve things by ourselves.

But when we are conscious that we are servants and that God reigns our life, it is no use wanting for ourselves to reign over our life because it is enough for the Lord to do a small change and then every situation changes, changes a lot. For example: few of you are sick and must remain in the bed. Everything changes. You have a thousand plans, but one small illness, maybe a cold, a headache, a fever makes us go to bed and changes all our plans.

Many times we do not think of this: It is God who reigns our lives; we have to wait as good servants. Therefore, I counsel you to make all your processes in prayer and, principally in the hour of doing them, doing what the Lord shows you in prayer. Because, then comes the difficult and the beautiful at the same time: That obedience that God uses to show us that he is making us reach wisdom.

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese