Speaking of "What is Chastity? and the Force We Need to Have to Live It.

Today we see that chastity blooms in friendship. In friendship, we discover how to follow and imitate Christ who chose us as his own friends. Friendship represents a great bood for all and leads to spiritual communion.1

A biblical example is the friendship between David and Jonathan who loved each in a profound and real way.2. Jonathan gave preference to David when Saul, his father, wanted to kill him. Jonathan humbled himself to exalt his persecuted friend3. When his father wanted to poison his heart against his friend, he remained in the true and stable friendship that envy did not corrupt, nor was diminished by any form of suspicion. That even in the face of reproaches remained unshaken and directed toward eternity.4

God bless you,


translated from Portuguese

[1] Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n 2347.

[2] Cf. 1 Samuel 18,3; 20,17. 23.

[3] Cf. Treatise on Friendship, Blessed Aelred of Riveaux Abbott. Liturgy of the Hour III, 2nd reading of wednesday of the 12th week of Ordinary Time, Office of Readings.

[4] Cf. 1 Samuel 20, 23.