No One Asks to be Born, Our Life Is a Gift from God

Certainly some time you spoke or heard someone say that they did not ask to be born.

Edison is a seminarian for Canção Nova

The fact is that really we did not choose to be born, thinking someone appeared would be absurd. But it is not absurd to say that God thought us into existence. Upon creating the World, God thought of each one of us, “He saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:31), in Adam and Eve, we were made part of the creative project of God.

The existence is a gift, a present, present that people did not choose, present the people received. My responsibility on it surges when I am more conscious that in life there are many options, and within them I can do good things or not. When God created Man and Woman, they were also put in the Garden to be responsible for their own decisions. From the beginning God wanted humanity to be free.

You can eat from all the trees in the garden, but of the tree of knowledge of good and of evil you should not eat, because in the day in which you eat of it, you will certainly die. (1:16-17)

Good choices are inside of the first dynamic: my existence is a gift, a gift received. In this meaning, the freedom desired of God for each person is that which is the generator of life and not of death, freedom is to choose God, it is to choose what is certain. We “should not eat” in that verse we see not a restriction, but it is an expression of God wanting to help man to choose the right thing.

My existence and my choices should be in That one that gives me existence as something good. In God my existence has meaning, outside of Him it becomes chaotic and loses completely its meaning. An existence far from God is the fruit of disobedience to “You should not eat.” A proper life entails a proper choice, what is the expression at the end of verse 17: “In the day in which you eat you will certainly die.” Adam and Eve will not die immediately, after testing of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but the death will be a continual process, still also it happens with whomever makes the choice of disobedience, disobeying God is an option for eternal death. Choosing for life is a Gift of God that He thought of you and wants you always for eternity.

God bless you,

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translated from Portuguese