Dealing with an Inclination to Sin

For many, there does not exist any more a fight against sin, but there exists an inclination to it, and many opportunities to commit it. Many times, when there exists a “friend” that brings us to do something that is wrong, we, without much effort, enter into sin and we are going to “imbibe it.” We loving the feelings, the sentiments and end up prisoners by it. [sin], because it is much more than a disease.

Leaving sin – having the grace of conversion – is something from God. Only He can convert us. Conversion is a change of direction, it is making a “U-turn” and living the opposite way. If you still do not have the grace of conversion, is it through Jesus, the Savior, and only through the Blood and His Cross that we will be uprooted from the situation of sin in which we are mired.
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Sin has to take us over in such a way that many are completely prisoners to the vices of drugs, alcoholism, of lies, of hypocrisy, of conceit, of evil, of corruption, for  years without seeking to free oneself. The initial conversion only is made by God, through the intervention of Jesus Christ. But it is necessary to welcome it and accept it. And even after reaching this grace – because of original sin and of the weight that it is taking over our life –, we need to continue the fight with eyes fixed on Jesus that –, in us, with His Holy Spirit – begins and ends as a work of faith. I know that you want this for your life.

I don’t know in which type of sin you are entangled, but, today is the day of putting in on the altar of the sacrifice of Jesus. Even that you may be fighting it for many years, and still not having sought to shake oneself from it, as Jairus, took possession of what the Lord said to him: “Do not be afraid, only believe.” The Lord is at your side, he did not abandon you and says to you. “Do not be afraid, just believe, because I am at your side. Put your eyes on me and walk. I want to give you a complete conversion. To reach this grace, we ask the coming of the Holy Spirit, our Defensor and Advocate.

God Bless You!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese