Why Doesn’t God Help Me?

It is a good question: “But why doesn’t God help me? Why doesn’t he do something for me? Why does he not resolve my situation?”

Understand one thing: God is always doing and going to do all for you. If there is a lack it is in us. And what is this lack? The lack of full confidence in this God that is pure mercy and is continually looking out for us, to our necessities.

To be helped by God, we need to have a heart returning to Him, putting our life in His hands and believing that He can do all for us.

In the hour in which I decide to give to God the leadership of my life, His Word becomes reality in me: “All works for the good of those that love God.” (Romans 8:28)

All is resolved with a change of our heart. When I decide to leave my selfishness behind to depend on God’s love, self-giving, and in the same way, if I decide to have a generous heart as that of God if I want to be simple, humble, even not being complete, I already am inside the plan of God, of the will of God. It is there that all begins to work for my good.

Believe: God  is faithful!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese