Relic of John Paul II Will Be Present at WYD

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A relic of Blessed John Paul II will be present on World Youth Day (WYD) that will happen from the 23-28 of July in Rio de Janeiro. Wednesday May 1st was the 2 year anniversary of his beatification.

Some of the blood of the founder of World Youth Days will be kept in bulb on a silver plate, in its own reliquary, and will be available for veneration by the faithful. The relic of Pope Wojtyla will be exposed during the principle events of WYD.

According to Father Arnaldo Rodrigues, on those responsible from the Setor de Preparação Pastoral do Comitê Organizador Local (COL) [Pastoral Preparation Group of the Local Organizing Committee] the relic of John Paul II will arrive in Brazil on the 7th day of July and will remain in the country until the 13th of October of this year.

“It will remain exposed for veneration in the Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro. We are also preparing a pastoral work, post WYD to approve the presence of the relic here,” said Father Arnaldo.

The relic of John Paul II will not be the only one present on this youth event. the COL is working also to bring to Brazil the relics of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, of Saint Therese of Lisieux, of Blesse Chiara Luce Badano and of Blessed Federico Ozanam, and of the Brazilian Saint Antônio de Sant’Ana Galvão, all of these patrons and intecessors of World Youth Day Rio 2013.

Canção Nova News and Vatican Radio

translated from Portuguese