Are You Going to Fill Your Jars?

When we pray and we ask for something from God, and we believe that he can grant to us this request, we need to prepare ourselves to receive it.

For example: we ask the grace to do a course, but we do not inform us of the practical things in respect to it as price, duration and so many other details that are involved. Suddenly, it can appear that someone wants to help us, the person asks us questions in relation to the issue, but we do not know how to respond, because we did not do our part, and the hour of grace passes. When this happens, still we are at fault: it was not God’s time that did not arrive at the moment, God will provide. And so many other expressions that we can use to explain our lack of preparation.

In truth, God in his kindness, sends the provision that we request, but we do not receive it because we did not fill  our jars with water. You see that was realized in the first miracle of Jesus in the wedding at Cana:

[And] Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.”So they took it.

Today, are we going to fill our jars to receive what we are asking of God?

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese