The World’s System and God’s System

Many ask: “But why doesn’t God help me?” and “Why does He not resolve my situation?” Understand: God does, He is doing and is going to do. If there exists a failure, it is in us. In what is the failure? We have been victims of the world system. The finances are going bad and there is much unemployment and tragedy because of the system in which we live, an individualist system based on selfishness, on ambition…A system without God, therefore, without love!

Whenever we remain tied to the system we are influenced by it and it will not be possible to enter in the system of God. He is radically opposed to it. It is necessary to make a choice: We are either in the system of the world or system of God. It is logic: To be helped by the Lord, we need to be in His system. If we continue in the world, we will be treated by the world and in the way that it treats us. To stop being a victim of this system, I have to leave and put myself in the system of God. Do not serve God AND the world. It is necessary to decide between the two systems. It is not a question of words, of appearances: it is a question of heart. And God sees the heart.
In the hour in which I decide to leave the system of the world that is based in selfishness, in gain, in lies, falsehood, in corruption and in the search for money and pleasure; in the moment in which I decide to leave deceiving and harming others; when sincerely I decide to leave the system of the world and enter into the system of God, His world becomes reality in my life. “All works for the good of those who love God.” (Romans 8:28)

Men see appearances, make beautiful discourses, beautiful presentations…but God sees the heart. In the hour in which I decide sincerely to leave selfishness and leave for the system of God, that is love, giving. If I decide to have a generous heart as is His, if I want to be simple, humble, even not being completely, I am already in the system of God. It is there that all begins to work for my good. Therefore, also the solution of our finances, of our employment and the difficulties that are there. All is resolved by a change of heart. In the hour in which we dive in God in true conversion, we will see that all works for our good. There is no other way.

Monsignor Jonas Abib

translated from Portuguese