Jesus, Walk on the Waters of My Life

Each time that I return to the Holy Land, I have a different experience with God in a determined place. On my last pilgrimage, God surprised me on the Sea of Galilee. First, because the hotel where we stayed had a view of the sea. From the balcony of my room I could see the sun rising and at night I could pray looking at that calm sea-lake.

Every pilgrimage we form a large prayer group inside of the boat crossing the sea. It is a marvelous experience that I was living for the third time. We all enter in the boat singing and praising God, asking that Jesus walk on the waters of our life, as He did in the Gospel. Happiness takes hold of our heart, looking around to the mountains, that sea, the reflection of the sun shining on the water and in a determined moment I was at the bow of the boat praying alone, God attracted me there. I felt that Jesus came walking to meet me and saying to me: As this lake is so large and appears to be a sea, bringing livelihood to the region, so are you limited, small, but with eternal dimensions. I need you despite being small, to live with eyes for eternity.
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It was like my whole life had a new focus, I felt the Holy Spirit surrounding my history in a new way, as I never experienced. All this was so alive that even today when I close my eyes and imagine the Sea of Galilee in front of me, I hear the voice of the Lord again.

I hope that one day you too can have an experience in the Land of Jesus.

I can say, I am no longer the same!

Ana Lucia

translated from Portuguese