It Is Necessary to Decide for God

Whenever we remain tied to the system of the world, we will be influenced by it. In this way, it is not possible to enter the system of God. The two are radically opposed.

It is necessary to make a choice, either be in the system of the world on in the system of God. It is logic: to be helped by the All Powerful, we need to be in His system. If we continue in the [system](sic) of the world, we will be treated by the world and in the way that it treats us. To leave from being victims of this system we need to leave it aside and put ourselves in the system of God the Father.

You already understood, it is a question of decision, either we are in the system of Caeser, the system of this world, or we are in God’s system. Do not forget: Caeser is unmerciful, he does not have mercy. In continuing to serve him, you will always be his slave. It is necessary to decide for God, His Reign, His Justice, that is not the justice of this world.

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Founder of the Canção Nova Community.

translated from Portuguese