All Authority Comes from God

All authority comes from God and in order for submission to exist it is necessary to have authority. The true submission consists in getting out of oneself to do what God wants. He uses people to manifest what His will.

With the entrance of sin into the world, one of the wounds that we combat today is rebellion. The enemy does not want to submit himself to the authority of God, but to his own. One who does not submit is putting him/herself under the tutelage of Satan, the unsubmissive, the rebel.

As consequence of this rebellion, human nature does not like to remain subject to others, for whenever he can, he wants to do his own will. It is for this reason that today, we see so much confusion and division. The rebellion poisons human being provoking insubmission among themselves.

God has shown clearly that to have union among us, it is necessary to put authority and submission in their proper places. “Obedience brings blessing, on the side insubmission brings curse!”

Jesus was obedient for excellence, therefore upon Him was conferred all authority. His authority remained characterized by obedience. The road of submission is the cross, the same the Jesus trod. therefore the road of obedience brings salvation to all of us!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova community

translated from Portuguese