Monsignor Jonas Blesses the Youth at the PHN Conference

Monsenhor Jonas abençoa os jovens no Acampamento PHN

Emotional! This is the word that describes the surprise participation of the founder of the Canção Nova Community, Monsignor Jonas Abib, on Sunday Morning July 7 at the annual PHN retreat in the seat of the community in Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil.
The enthusiastic youth present in the Evangelization Center applauded and cried out; “Monsenhor Jonas nós te amamos.” [Monsignor Jonas we love you.] The monsignor asked God to bless each young person, asking God that his designs maybe realized  in each one.
Monsenhor Jonas
Photo: Maria Andréa/
The words of Monsignor Jonas:

“Oh Lord, we thank you for this great reality that has multiplied these 15 years, PHN, and we give thanks Lord for this is the Your work and we say that it is a miracle to our eyes, and I ask now that the Lord bless all and that they may multiply this Generation PHN, that this may well spread through all of Brazil and from Brazil to the world. That the designs of God may be realized in the life of each one that now receives your blessing.”

translated from Portuguese

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