Fraternity and Youth

In a frenetic life, agitated and with many worries, people need moments of getting together and returning to concrete objectives. This reflects the attitudes of Martha and Mary, when Jesus visted them in their house. (Lk 10:38-42) The better part remained with Mary who gave attentions to the words of the Master.

It is challenging today to to take time to listen, knowing how to be silent. Freneticism is part of youth. Martha and Mary, certainly were also young. Youth is concentrated on the force of life, the hope of a better world and more committed to the dignity of the human being. But these forces need to be channeled to the good and to the realization of the humanity of people.

This year, the attention of the Church return to the youth. The Campaign of Fraternity stresses the theme: “Fraternity and Youth”, believing in the missionary strength of youth. Now, World Youth Day realizes it more, having as concrete intention to wake up the compromise of each young person to the realities of the Modern Culture. The city of Rio de Janeiro is the principle stage. The expectation is that thousands of Brazilian youth and youth from the whole  world, will encounter during this week, a mega event of confraternitization. These  should be days marked by formative happenings, culture and lots of prayer.

We count on the presence of Pope Francis bring forth this Church retreat even with the whole world, in a process of raising in the youth and in all the participants the encounter with Jesus Christ and the missionary motivation. All movement of the week comes from being prepared with much loving care for a multitude of person, principally youth.

WYD Rio 2013 cannot not be only a happening on the road to the Church, but a discovery of the Paschal Mystery present and encountered in the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore it is the encounter of the youth with other youth and with God.

Only therefore will we have happy, responsible and constructive youth in a life marked by hope.

Formation of Canção Nova

Translated from Portuguese