Naim, A Lesson of Resurrection, Life and Compassion

By Cris Henrique
Canção Nova Mission House in the Holy Land

Naim, a teaching of mercy. Photo: Associcao Pro Terra Sancta

A city well known for its account of the passage of Jesus. Christ looks with compassion of  a widowed mother who carries on a stretcher her deceased only son.

It is important to stress that in this time, the woman lives in an unfavorable situation in relations to men, for she depended completely on her spouse or her  father. For a widow, this situation is agravated still more. In the death of her husband, the oldest male, or even, the first born inherited the goods and had to provide for his mother.

Imagine the situation of that poor woman. All that he had was taken from her, her son was all.

In the century that Jesus entered., He saw the situation, sympathizes with her and then does a great miracle of love. A close God who feels our pains and does not treat us with indifference.

Today this village still exists and begins to come to life with a reinauguration of the little church that belongs to the custody of the Holy Land, for it was in abandoned condition and lacked security. All the rehabilitation was realized thanks to the support of some great and small donors.

Church belonging to the Custody of the Holy Land Photo: Associcao Pro Terra Sancta

Naim is a city of muslims, there are not local Christians. Nexto the Church, there is a cemetery exclusively for muslim children.  Based in the miracle of Jesus, the local inhabitants believe that their children buried there in this area one day will be able to resurrect.

However, only Christians of neighboring cities visit, but, with a new project, it is hoped to attract pilgrims visiting the Holy Land and seeking to deepen their faith.

Naim, allows us a message of life, for the salvation says to us that in Christ live is reborn, it can be rewritten. In this scene, Jesus teaches us that all men should have a view looking to the suffering of their neighbor, to the human pains. Christ goes to encounter the poor, the disfavored, the broken.

Death separated the mother and son, but resurrection united them anew.

translated from Portuguese