Why Do You Get Discouraged So Quickly?

The woman, drawing close to him, prostrated herself before Jesus and began to impore: “Lord, help me!” Jesus said to her: “I it is not good to take bread of the children to throw it before dogs.” The woman insisted: “It is true, Lord; but the gods also eat the scraps that fall from the table of their owners!” (Matthew 15:25-27)

When we hear this Gospel, we are a bit shocked, because this woman is not part of Jesus’ region as the Jews: “She is not part of the chosen people, she was a Canaanite.” But she was an insistent woman, who drew near to the Lord, for she had a daughter cruelly tormented by the demon, and she knew what Jesus could do for her.

In the first moment, she cried, asking and the Lord, in slow steps, continued His road, until the disciples wanted to push her from Jesus. Then He responded to her: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” In this instant, the woman one more time insisted and said: “Lord, please cure my daughter.”

Jesus’ answer appears painful, but, in truth, it is a proverb. The Jews considered that those that were not part of the chosen people were like dogs. The Lord was caring to say: “It is not good to throw bread of the children to give to the dogs.”

What a woman of extraordinary faith! She was not convinced by the proverb of the Lord. In that day, she even conquered God – the example of Israel, when he fought with the Lord and Defeated Him. She says “Lord it is true, but the little dogs have the right to eat the crumbs that fall from the table.” She begged Jesus for her rights, even for just the His crumbs.

The grace of Jesus comes for all. Therefore, this woman could not be excluded, for this she was reward in this first instant for she trusted, believe and was insistent.

Why do you exclude yourself from God? Why are you discouraged so easily? Why does your faith not bring you to be confident. Why does  your faith not bring you to challenge your own circumstances, which many times lead you away from the Lord.

Say: “Lord, I even if I was a dog have the right to crumbs.” These crumbs of the Lord will fall on your table and your heart.

God bless you today!

Fr. Roger Araujo

Priest of the  Canção Nova Community, Journalist and Collaborator of the Canção Nova Portal.

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translated from Portuguese