How Do I Maintain the Call of Faith During Difficulties?


Letícia Barbosa

This was one of the questions that Felipe Aquino, host of the Canção Nova TV programs ‘Escola da Fe‘ [School of Faith] and ‘Ask and We Will Respond‘ upon reflecting on the principle strands of the Encyclical “Lumen Fidei” [Light of Faith], from Pope Francis. . . The letter written by Pope Benedict XVI when he was still exercising his Petrine Ministry, and completed by the present Pontiff.

In an interview, on the channel, Professor Felipe primarily explained that the encyclical and all the letters written by the Pope, which contain a subject that he believes to be relevant for reflection by people.

Still he mentioned that Lumen Fidei was written in conjunction with the documents of Benedict XVI, Among this writings are ‘Deus Caritas Est‘, ‘Caritas in Veritate‘ and ‘Spe Salvi

When questioned on the challenge of feeding the faith before problems confronted by the human being, the tv host made the allusion of this virtue   a plant that needs to cared for daily in order that it may remain alive.

“The faith has to be nourished with a good meditation, with good books and with the Word of God. Thus lets be conscious of what our faith is. It must be nourished with prayer, that is a contact with God. for it is fed in the teaching of the Doctrine of the Church”, he taught in the interview.

Program in Portuguese

In Conclusion, the profession stressed that reason and faith are realities that come from the Creator Himself, but he understood that there are differences between them, for “Faith leads to accept the revelation of God, reason is that with which a person procures the truth.”

translated from Portuguese