The Lord is the Light of My Life

It is God who fills us with strength and clothes us in courage in order that we may take the initiative in life. It is He who gives us the strength to assume the responsibility for our choices and the courage to be pro-active that we may not remain only reacting to situations.

God makes that you may be the Lord of your life. If you do not assume the responsibility of the things that you do, if you do not have control over anything, how are you going to give anything to God?

The Lord gives to you courage to take the initiative of going to confront what you believe. “He is the God that girds my strength and makes perfect my road.” Here strength and courage, because when you have strength but do not put in into practice, it is because you lack courage. Then, when the Lord says gives to you the strength to live and advance, he is conditioning you to do what has to be done.

Some people think that being courageous is being agressive, annoying, insistent, but to be courageous is to recognize your responsibility to deal with the things that happen. An example of valor is when you leave the house to go after a son who is in a dangerous place. You know that you are running to danger, but you do what is necessary.

Today’s word brings to two attributes that become very special to the person who possesses them: courage and knowledge. Whomever has these characteristic is unique and very well respected, because he has the courage to act, but thinking to act correctly

Now, that which is courageous, but does not have knowledge, is dangerous, because he does not think before he acts and can do many horrible things. He is capable of ruining a relationship and even bankrupting a company.

God gives the attributes of  courage and knowledge in order that you may have a transformed life and be happy. He is the light of your life, and The One who dispels the darkness of your soul, of your heart and gives you the intelligence you need when you do not know which path to follow.

Today, that you life may become more holy, happy and perfect, you need to have knowledge to know what to do and the courage to do what should be done.

Your knowledge comes from God, it is He who casts our ignorance and makes you see the truth. When you make a decision to open your heart to always learn, becoming a wise person, capable of all, because God is ways at your side.

Today, look about your life, assume your responsibilities and do what should be done, but with wisdom. Go after what  you believe and be happy. Courage and knowledge are what you need to seek from the Lord.

For you, LORD, give light to my lamp;

my God brightens my darkness.
With you I can rush an armed band,
with my God to help I can leap a wall.
New American Bible. (2011) (Revised Edition.). Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The way of the Lord is perfect, the Word of the Lord is proven. He is a shield for those who find shelter in Him. He is the God that girds my strength and makes perfect my road. He equates your feet to the feet of the deer and sustains your first you firm on high. He trains your hands for war and your arms draw the bow of bronze. “You give me Your saving shield, Your right hand sustains me and attends to me without stopping. Blessed by the Your holy name, Lord.
Márcio Mendes

Member of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese

Transcription and adaptation in Portuguese: Débora Ferreira