JPII and John XXIII Will Be Canonized on April 27th 2014

The Blesseds John XXIII and John Paul II will be canonized on the 27th of April 2014. The date was announced this Monday, September 30 in the Ordinary Public Consistory presided over by Pope Francis.

The meeting of the Pope with the Cardinals happened at 10:00 local time in Rome with the Cardinals present. The date chosen coincides with the second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, a celebration instituted by Pope John Paul II and on the eve of which the Polish Pope died in 2005.

During the journey returning from Brazil in July, Pope Francis justifies the decision of joining on the same day the canonization of two of his predecessors. “Making the ceremony of canonization of the two together wants to be a message for the Church. These two are good, they are good, they are two good men.”

Francis recognize officially a second miracle of John Paul II in July, after having received the favorable judgement from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, which was going to permit the advance of the canonization of the polish blessed. The Vatican did not give any information on the nature of the second miracle.

On the same day, Francis approved the canonization of John XXIII, who died fifty years ago after having received the favorable judgement from the Congregation for  the Causes of Saints. . .
John Paul II
John Paul II was proclaimed blessed by Benedict XVI on the 1st of May of 2011 in St. Peter’s Square.

The penultimate stage for the declaration of holiness, in the Catholic Church, concluded with the first phase of works, initiated in May of 2005, including the process relative to the healing of Sister Francesa Marie Simon-Pierre which the Vatican considered a miracle, after the abrupt disappearance  of the illness of Parkinson in the religious woman.
The Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of John Paul II on  the 22nd of October, date that notes the day of the beginning of the pontificate of Karol Wojtyla, in 1978, a little after having been elected Pope.


Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, born i 1881 in Sotto Il Monte, Bergamo, where he was pastor, professor in the seminary, secretary to the bishop and chaplain to the military during World War I.

John XXIII initiated his diplomatic career as apostolic visitor in Bulgaria, from 1925-1935; afterwards, he was the apostolic delegate in Greece and Turkey from 1935 to 1944, and Apostolic Nuncio in France from 1944 to 1953.

in 1953, Angelo Roncalli was named patriarch of Veneza and on 28th of October 1958 was elected Pope, succeeding Pius XII.
John XXIII was declared blessed by Pope John Paul II on the 3rd day of September 2000.

translated from Portuguese