Overexposure on the Net: Our Sacredness in Danger

By Daniel Machado

producer of Destrave (Unlock) for Canção Nova TV

All of us know that web 2.0 as blogs and social networks open us to a world of possibilities without borders. Each moment, new friendships are made, millions of photos and videos are shared and each time, the persons, known or not know our likes, beliefs, opinions, and even to our most private elements in only one click. But what happens with this behavior is extrapolated to the limits of our privacy. Will it be that we are not opening windows of our inner sanctuary in order that the world may access it?

“I always say that the social network is a public space. What you would not say and would not do in the street, do not say or do in social networks.” stressed Martha Gabriel, specialist and international speaker on Digital Marketing. According to the specialist, “Do not keep posting, all the time, what you are doing, where you are and why. “The people have to be thinking about why is he or she putting that information in the air, for at times we are exposing ourselves to risks afterwards. And this gives power to people to manipulate us.” she explains.

The truth is that with the online platforms of relationships, the human being gave vent to his most profound desire: in relating to others. However, this behavior can hide problems of psychological nature, as lack of affection, desire for status and power. It is ask if the person could measure his degree of importance and self esteem by the number of followers and through feedback that his “friends” in the net offer to him.

“Many speak on Brazil of digital inclusion, but few speak of digital education.” stressed Martha Gabriel.

Today, there are new technologies that are giving people a status that they did not have. Then, the fact of having thousands of followers, of possessing more new technology as a cellular, tablet, etc., is giving them possibilities of ‘having’. Then they end forgetting themselves in this virtual world,” explains Renata Maransaldi, who integrates the ANJOTI of the Associação Viver Bem [Living Well Association] which helps in the treatment of person with impulse disorders, vices in games, shopping and internet.

Overexposure in Work

Overexposure can devastate the professional life of a person. In April of this year, a nurse from Olinda, Pernambuco, posted a photo on her Orkut account, where it appeared in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) joined with her team in a climate of joy and community. The problem is that the hospital did not understand this and the employee was dismissed for just cause, under the alegation in which the photos generated negative comments and exposed the employees and patients without authorization. The Regional Tribunal of Work of the 6th Region of Pernambuco agreed with the hospital’s arguments.

“imagine if if a person presented a statement saying that she could not work, but when her boss was going to check her face, in truth, she was at the beach doing something that showed that she was not sick. This can be used against her in justice,” taught Martha Gabriel.

Digital Education is the Solution

Overexposure is here and we should, each time, be familiar with this phenomenon. what is at the same time virtual and human. But what do we do if we are already immersed in this sea of possibilities online?

“Many, speak in Brazil of digital inclusion, but few speak of digital education. If we include ourselves without education, we are going to put a weapon in the hands of people against themselves. ” concluded Martha Gabriel

“Sacred” is etymologically that to which the world does not have access. Every human being has a sacred space, reserved, untouchable and inviolable, but if we do not expand this concept to our profiles on the net, we are going to suffer a collapse of identity, it may be digital or human.

translated from Portuguese