The Angels Fight with Us

In this battle in which we live already we are victorious. Too bad that we Christians do not see this and stop problems and difficulties. No we delude ourselves: battle is battle! My child it is better for you to accept that this life is a “valley of tears” than to live in illusion. The Church wants to stress in us the Victory in the Lord.

Little time remains for the devil, therefore, he is furious, for the victory is Jesus’ and the devil’s chance ended, but he is bad and even knowing that he is defeated, comes with all his strength over us, the fight is not going to end. Therefore, we need the help of the holy angels.

God surrounds us with angels. We need them, their intercession, they fight with us. In your work, in your family, God puts various angels. But unfortunately, we want to fight alone and as their exist myriads of angels, there are demons and alone we cannot overcome them.

Because we are of the Lord, we are targets of the enemy, therefore, we need the Angels. This is the day for us to unite with them seeking their presence and help. You, your child, your marriage, your family, in your work, in your apostolate.

It is a battle that the angels wage, because the demon knows that there is little time left. It is important that we have this conviction that God sent angels to protect us. It is a battle in that we alone can do nothing. Thank you Lord, because they are with us! Lord increase our faith!
Your brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese