Deacon Ordination Closes "Hosana Brasil 2013"

in the closing of Hosana Brasil 2013, there was a diaconal ordination of 9 seminarians of a celebration of the 49 years of priesthoood of Monsignor Jonas Abib, both were celebrated with a great feast and thanksgiving.

“Hosana Brasil 2013” closed Sunday, 8, on the traditional celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, with a great present for the Church for the Diocese of Lorena, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the Canção Nova Community, in the deaconal ordination of nine seminarians through the imposition of hands by Bishop Benedito Beni dos Santos, apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Lorena. 

The ordination ceremony happened during the celebration of the Holy Mass presided by Bishop Beni, in the Bishop  João Hipólito de Moraes Evangelizatioin Center, the Mother Community of Canção Nova located in Cachoeira Paulista, (SP), during which all the community celebrated the 49th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of  Canção Nova founded Monsignor Jonas Abib, opening the festivities for the occasion of his jubilee of his 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood in 2014. 

9 deacons were ordained at Canção Nova during the closing of “Hosana Brasil 2013” / Wesley Almeida-CN

In his homily, Bishop Beni, remembered the important of diaconal ministry for the Church, he added that it has its historical basis in the service of the Levites of the Old Testement, men consecrated to God that were put in service of the Temple. “The deacon is one consecrated to God. And by being consecrated puts himself completely at the disposition of the Lord,” the bishop affirmed. 

“The Vatican II Council says that one is called deacon to realize the Diaconia of the Word and of the Liturgy. It is in the Liturgy that the deacon encounters the strength to realize his ministry in favor of the most poor and needy,” the Bishop reminded. 

Later, after the homily, the deacons presented themselves before the bishop and promised obedience to him and his successors. 

Monsignor Jonas Abib: 49 years of priesthood. 

Canção Nova also was in celebration for the 49 years of priesthood of her founder, Monsignor Jonas Abib. In their thanks, the recently ordained deacons stressed the spiritual fertility of the priesthood of Father Jonas. “♪Lord my friend, stil side by side, I walk confidently, where you are I will go♪”

Singing this song, Deacon Gevanildo Torres stressed that “This music was composed for the diaconal ordination of our dear priest founder, Monsignor Jonas Abib, who today completed 49 years of priestly ordination and today we take this song to make of it our life project.”

Monsenhor Jonas homenagiado pelo pelos seus 49 anos de vda sacerdotal / Foto: Wesley Almeida-CN

I can say that this music was conducted for my ministry and if you choose it as inspiration for your ministry I can say that it may conduct your ministry too,” affirmed the founder of the Catholic community. 

And upon referring to the festivities of his sacerdotal jubilee, Monsignor Jonas stressed that he will soon celebrate his 50 years of priesthood next year. “The coming year, I will be completing 50 years of father and you are beginning. I do not know the ‘tower of works’ in which the Lord is going to put you, but one thing I ask of you, allow yourselves to work for the Lord,” said Monsignor to the new deacons. 

At the end, the founder of Canção Nova thanked Bishop Beni for ordaining the deacons for Canção Nova and for his paternal zeal. “With the ordination of these deacons, the Lord closes your ministry in the Diocese of Lorena; and we want to thank you for instituting it as father of this community, because of your lvoe and the our love for the Lord,” concluded Monsignor Jonas. 

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