I Am With You

At once [Jesus] spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”*

This is the watchword of the Lord for us in our times. We are facing a hard “storm” in our whole world. The waters are agitated, all are afraid to see the boat sinking, but, in the midst of the “storm” The voice of Jesus resounds screaming to the whole world: “Courage, I am here. “Do not be afraid!”

“It is justly, in this month that the Lord comes to say to us: “Courage, it is I! Do not be afraid!” teaches Monsignor Jonas Abib.


Although it does not seem this way at first gland, the strongest expression in this word is “It is I!” It guarantees us that the Lord himself assures us: “I am with you.” Much more than just being, He is with us.Jesus accompanies us in the middle of the storm, he does not abandon us in any moment. He is with us in the same boat. Whatever happens, happens, He is with us! Therefore, do not be afraid! Despite the wind, the choppy waves, the startling wind, we  should not fear, because Jesus is with us! He has control of all, even the storm. At whatever time He wants, He will give orders to the waves and to the wind and all the storm is going to end.

“Therefore, I say to you: ‘Courage! I overcame the storm, the gale, the fury of the waves! I overcame the world, I overcame death! And if I am with you, who will be against you? Therefore, while the storm continues, have courage!”

 My sons, we are going to stand strong! The Lord is with us in the same boat. Do not despair, do not let go of the oars. He walks on the water. Have courage.

 We are walking quickly to the end of the year. It is this month that the Lord is comes to say: “Courage, it is I! Do not be afraid! Canção Nova family, courage! I am with you in the storm, do not be afraid!”

God bless  you, your family and your work.

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Portuguese Version 

*New American Bible. (2011). (Revised Edition., Mt 14:27). Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.