10 Counsels of Pope Francis to the Youth

by Daniel Machado
producer of the program Destrave [Unlock]

Having searched through the discourses of Pope Francis, from the beginning of his pontificate, important sayings for our youth to live well in these days, in light of the challenges reserved for our generation in the construction of a more just and fraternal world in solidarity. The themes do not have a hierarchy of importance, treat them only as topics that help us to understand better the message of our dear Pontiff to the youth of all the world. 

10 Counsels of Pope Francis to the Youth

1) Always have a youthful heart: “You have an important part in the feast of faith! You bring to us the joy of the faith and you tell us that we must live it with a youthful heart always: a youthful heart even at seventy, eighty years! Youthful Heart! With Christ the heart never ages!” (Homily on Palm SundayDay of Youth)

2) Go against the current: “Yes, young people, listen well: go against the current. This strengthens the heart, yes “going against the current” requires courage, and the Lord gives us this courage. There are no difficulties, tribulations, misunderstandings that can insert fear if we remain united to God as branches are united to the vine, if we do not lose his friendship, if each time we give ourselves to him more space in our life” (Holy Mass  of Confirmation in Rome — April 28, 2013)

3) Wager in great ideas: “Do not bury talents! Wager on great ideas, those that broaden the heart, those ideals of service that make fertile your talents. Life is not given for us to keep it for ourselves, but that we may give of ourselves. Dear youth, may you have a big soul! Do not be afraid of dreaming big things!” (Catechesis of the day April 4, 2013)

4) Be with God in silence: “Learn to remain in silence before Him, to read and meditate on the bible, especially the Gospels, to dialog with Him, every day, to feel His presence of friendship and love.” (Message to youth united for the “Sixth Day of Youth” from Lithuania 28-30 June)

5) Pray the Rosary: “I would like to stress the beauty of a simple contemplative prayer, accessible to all, great and small, cultured and unformed” the prayer of the Holy Rosary. The Rosary is an efficient instrument to help us to open us to God, because it helps us overcome selfishness and to bring peace to the hearts to families, to society and to the world.” (Message to youth  joined  for  the “Sixth Day of Youth” from Lithuania 28-30 June)

6) Make Noise: “Here in Rio, you will make noise, you certainly will. But I want you to be heard also in the dioceses, I want to you that you exit, I want that the Church leave the roads, I want that we defend ourselves from all that  is worldly, immobility, from all that  is  comfortable from all that  is clericalism, from all that is living closed in  ourselves” (Discourse to the Argentinian Youth during WYD Rio 2013)

7) Draw close to Christ: “Dear friends, the Cross of Christ, teaches us to be the like Cyrene, the one that helped Jesus to carry the heavy wood, to be like Mary and the other women that were not afraid to accompany Jesus to the end, with love, with tenderness. And you, how about you? Like Pilate, Like the Cyrene, like Mary?” (Discourse to the Youth during the Way of the Cross in Copacabana, During WYD Rio 2013)

8) To be an agent for change: “Through you, the future enters the world. Also to you, I ask, that you maybe protagonists of this change. I ask you for that you may constructors for the  world, that you workd for a better world. Dear youth, please, do not look at life from the balcony, enter in it. Jesus did not remain on the balcony, He plunged…Do not look from the balcony to life, plunge in it as did Jesus. (Discourse during the Vigil of Pray on Copacabana Beach during WYD Rio 2013)

9) Serve without fear: “Do not be afraid of  bringing Christ to all around you, even to the periphery, including those who appear most distant, but indifferent. The Lord seeks all, He wants all to feel the heat of His mercy and of His love.” (Homily of the Mass of Closing of WYD RIO 2013) 

10) Be Revolutionary: “In the provisional culture of relativism, many preach that the important thing is “like” the moment, that is not work compromising all one’s life, making definite choices ‘forever’, Since no one knows what tomorrow brings. I ask you that you rebel, that you rebel against the provisional  culture, which, in the foundation, believes that you are not capable of assuming responsabilities, that you are not capable of true love. I have confidence in you, young  people, and I pray for you. Have the courage to go ‘against the current.’ And also to have the courage to be happy! (Discourse to the Volunteer of WYD Rio 2013. 

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