Lord, Teach Us to Pray and To Do Good.

11869764866_504ba12fe4We need to learn the good things and copy in our lives the salutary customes for our soul and body. 
It is interesting that the disciples of Jesus, upon seeing Him all days leave to pray, also were cultivating in the heart this desire, one day they asked Him:

“Lord teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” (Lk 11:1b) and Jesus was quick to teach: “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your Name. May your Kingdom Come. Give us each day the bread that we need, and forgive us our sins, as we also forgives all our debters; and do not allow us to fall into temptation.” (Lk 11:2-2)


We cultivate in our heart the interior readiness in wanting to learn  the good works and teaching them to the others, as Jesus taught His disciples to pray without obstacles.

May we have the same courage that the disciples had and ask Jesus: 

Lord, teach us to pray, to do good things, to love the neighbor, and , with certainty, He quickly will teach it. Alone we are not capable of a good action, only with the help of Jesus we obtain the attitudes of true sons and daughters of God.

Draw near to the Lord, with confidence, because He is our hope. 

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

Portuguese Version