Ask Your Guardian Angel to Help You.

Melchior Paul von Deschwanden Schutzengel bewacht den Schlaf eines KindesAll days, we need to make a decision to live in a good way, but “without the grace to wake up, no man can, there is no good in him” (Phrase from the prayer “Veni Sancte Spiritus”.)
How to procede, then? We ask our guardian angel to inspire in us holy propositions and to help us to live them. He is always at our disposition, and we need to count on him always, because part of his mission is to rule us, to guard us, to govern us and to illuminate us. 

Holy Guardian Angel, illumine our intelligence, in order that we may now to thank God and to live in His ways. 

Holy Angel of the Lord, my zealous guard, I entrust to you, Divine Piety, always rule me, guard me, govern me and illuminate me. 


Portuguese Version