Francis: Important to Care for the Youth that Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Jéssica Marçal
from the newsroom. 


As is his custom, Francis greets faith in St. Peter’s Square before the initiation of the Catechesis/Photo CTV

In the general audience, Wednesday January 29th, Pope Francis, concentrated on the sacrament of Confirmation. Giving continuity to the cycle of catechesis on the sacraments, the Holy Father, stressed the importance of Confirmation that joins Baptism and the Eucharist forming Christian initiation. 

The Catechism in Brief

Francis explained that Confirmation means anointing and in fact, it is through the sacred oil that one receives this sacrament, the person is confirmed in the power of the Holy Spirit.

It is treated as a sacrament that brings a growth to the Baptismal grace, completing the ties of the person with the Church, it gives strength to propagate and defend the faith. Therefore, Francis defends the importance of caring for youth that receive this sacrament. 

Perhaps we do not have for those that receive Confirmation: they remain in the middle of the road. This sacrament is so important in the life of the Christian, because it gives strength to continue forward,” said Francis. Asking that always all is done that is possible to complete this Christian initiation. 

And to receive Confirmation, it is necessary for a good preparation, said the Pope. He reminded that Confirmation, like the other sacraments, is not a human work, but of God, that takes place in the human life. He infuses His Holy Spirit in men and women. 

“When we welcome the Holy Spirit in our heart and He is allowed to act, Christ Himself is made present in us and takes form in our life. Through us, it will be Christ Himself who prays, infuses hope and consolation, creates communion, sows peace. Think how important this is.”

Francis concluded asking that the faith remind themselves to receive this sacrament and be thankful for this grace, beyond asking for divine help, to live as true Christians.