Canção Nova Missionaries Renew Their Vows

by Fr. Robert J Carr

MissaCompromisso2014PR2-600x300Canção Nova members in 28 missions renewed their vows Sunday in masses worldwide.  The annual  compromisso [commitment] happens always around the feast of the Presentation on February 2nd, but this year the celebrations all happened on the day itself

Canção Nova members in mission houses in the Holy Land,  Portugal, France, Chile,  Paraguay, the United States and, of course, Brazil, including the order’s headquarters in Cachoeira Paulista all renewed their vows to the Church and the community.

Members (including this reporter) promised their commitment to God through living the charism of Canção Nova which is evangelization through media and live retreats.  Each member attended a community retreat with their respective community. The US retreat happened in Atlanta given by Canção Nova priest Fr Fabrizio Andrade, with videos of talks by Canção Nova founder MonsignorJonas Abib and others recorded at the main retreat in Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil.  Main themes included the centrality of prayer in living the charism of the community. The retreats were delivered in Portuguese.

The day is a joyful one for all Canção Nova members and the communities they serve.